I received this Wimius action camera at no charge, in exchange for this review. I reviewed a similar action camera back in March.
Much like the camera I reviewed in March, this camera seems somewhat cheaply made. It doesn't have a cover for the charge ports and Micro SD card slot. (You'll need to purchase a Micro SD memory card, as it is not supplied with the camera kit.) I struggled with the battery cover for quite some time. It is not attached, so it just pops off. Putting it back on requires the notch to be at the side that it does not release from, which is both counter-intuitive, and also misleading, based on the picture in the manual which shows the cover off, and the notch on the wrong side.
The camera does seem to capture pretty good video. There are several video modes. I did notice that the sound cut out in the middle of a recording, and I don't believe I did anything that would have caused that.
Another issue I experienced while recording is that when I tried to zoom, I inadvertently accessed the WiFi button, which is part of the same control mechanism. The only way I was able to zoom in and not access that WiFi button is to look carefully at the button, and access it with a fingernail. This is not a workable solution. Also, if you do access the WiFi button inadvertently, the camera shows a WiFi screen on the back of the camera, instead of the video it is recording.
As I said in my previous action camera review, it is not fair to compare an action camera like this one, which costs less than $50 including two batteries and all sorts of other accessories, with a GoPro camera costing at least five or even six times as much. There really is no comparison. This is a three-star review, (and not a lower number of star-review) because of the very low price this kit sells for. If you're in the market for a serious action camera, this camera is not for you. If, on the other hand, you're looking for a really inexpensive action camera, perhaps to give to a child, or to use for just the most basic functions, this action camera from Wimius does seem to capture good video, and it certainly won't break the bank.
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